Roz Clark Legacy Awards - Joe & Heidi White

The Jackson neighborhood is home to 923 households and 3,300 residents, spanning the area between First and Cedar, Tulare and Cesar Chavez. Joe and Heidi White discovered that their neighbors had many valuable ideas for addressing some of Jackson’s most pressing challenges. However, they also noticed that institutions often responded to perceived needs without fully listening to what residents truly needed.

In response, they founded the Jackson Community Development Corporation. Working closely with local residents, their mission is to create spaces where neighbors are heard, and their unique skills and passions are harnessed to develop creative solutions for real neighborhood issues. Over the past decade, they have launched more than 20 initiatives, leveraging the talents of the community to tackle challenges like blight, unemployment, traffic safety, family trauma, and under-education. Most recently, they have been working on plans to build a new park on one of Jackson’s neglected parcels.

Their passion lies in uncovering the gifts of their neighbors and connecting those talents to Jackson neighborhood’s needs. Together, they are building a safer, more vibrant community. In recognition of their transformative work, Joe and Heidi will be honored with the Roz Clark Legacy Award, celebrating their commitment to community-driven solutions and lasting impact in the Jackson neighborhood.